Georges Rouault, Tête de Jeune Fille, 1939
Marc Chagall, Le Peintre et Son Double, 1981
Pablo Picasso, Comédie Humaine 3.2.54 II,1954
Maurice de Vlaminck, Self Portrait, 1958
Pablo Picasso, Portrait of Sylvette, Verve, 1954
Joan Miró, Untitled, 1967
Alexander Calder, Untitled, 1976
Henri Matisse, Nu Assise, 1952
Fernand Leger, Nature Morte, 1955
Pierre Bonnard, La Femme au Parapluie, 1895
Joan Miro, L'Oiseau Etincelles, 1967
Henri Matisse, Roses de Noel et Les Huitres, 1940
Henri Matisse, Woman Kneeling, 1950
Claude Garache, Female Nude, 1975
Henri Matisse, Paula, 1950
Pablo Picasso, Comédie Humaine, 3.2.54 II, 1954
Pablo Picasso, Comédie Humaine 3.2.54 II, 1954
Pablo Picasso, Original Lithograph
Joan Miro, Untitled, 1967
Henri Matisse, Dancer, 1950
Elisabeth Frink, From The Odyssey, 1974, 7/12
Maurice de Vlaminck, Portrait of Madeleine, 1958
Barbara Hepworth, Charcoal on Paper, 1/4
Barbara Hepworth, Charcoal on Paper, 2/4
Barbara Hepworth, Charcoal on Paper 3/4
Maurice de Vlaminck, Remorqueur, 1958
Barbara Hepworth, Charcoal on Paper 4/4
Louise Bourgeois, Sheaves, 1985
Louise Bourgeois, Inner Life, 1985
Maurice de Vlaminck, Les Challonges, 1958
Maurice de Vlaminck, Valley of the Avre, 1958
Maurice de Vlaminck, Potiniere at Rueil, 1958
Maurice Vlaminck, Houses in Beauce, 1958
Elisabeth Frink, From The Odyssey, 1974, 12/12
Elisabeth Frink, From The Odyssey, 1974 9/12
Elisabeth Frink, From The Odyssey, 1974, 4/12
Jean René Bazaine, Untitled, 1957
Elisabeth Frink, From the Odyssey, 1974, 8/12
Elisabeth Frink, From The Odyssey, 1974 , 5/12
Elisabeth Frink, From the Odyssey, 1974, 3/12
Edouard Vuillard, Doorway, 1966
Elisabeth Frink, From The Odyssey, 10/12
Alexander Calder, Abstract, 1966
Francis Bacon, Three Studies for Portrait of Lucian Freud, 1966
Fernand Léger, Untitled, 1958
Georges Braque, Blue Birds, 1967
Jean Arp, Yellow, 1950
Jean Arp, Blue, 1950
David Hockney, A Gap in the Hedgerow (from Midsummer: East Yorkshire), 2004
Fernand Leger, La Partie de Campagne, 1960
Pablo Palazuelo, Untitled, 1960
Marc Chagall, Pantomime, 1972
Alexander Calder, CIRCUS, 3 (Les Gueules Degoulinantes), 1966
Lollipops, Alexander Calder, 1966
Francis Bacon, Derriere Le Miroir, 1966
Marc Chagall, Untitled, 1960
Fernand Leger, Les Musiciens, 1955
Joan Miro, Peintures, Murales II, 1961
Georges Braque, Grey Bird, 1967
Georges Braque, Blackbird, 1967
Georges Braque, Birds and Sky, 1967
Joan Miro, L’Oiseau Solaire, L’Oiseau Lunaire, Etincelles, 1967
Joan Miro, L’Oiseau Solaire, L’Oiseau Lunaire, Etincelles, 1967s, 1967
Georges Braque, La Charrue (The Plow), 1960
Georges Braque, White Bird, 1967